CornerStone Holistic Institute – Lauire McCoy

CornerStone Holistic Institute – Lauire McCoy
Short Business Description
CornerStone Holistic Institute is the only massage therapist owned and operated massage school in the heart of Wake Forest. Our main goal in the community is to offer quality and affordable education and services in the field of massage.The idea of CornerStone Holistic Institute launched 10 years ago with a simple idea: Wouldn’t it be great to build a massage school that taught modern massage technique, with a hands-on approach to learning, at an affordable price, and with a simple, practical, and flexible schedule? Our mission is to provide outstanding massage education that is practical and affordable. We accomplish this through focused, hands-on training in modern massage technique. CornerStone Holistic Institute was founded by Lauire McCoy LMBT. She recognized that there was a need for a professional certification program that emphasizes motor learning and technical proficiency. CornerStone Holistic Institute teaches the most powerful and effective massage techniques, while still maintaining affordable tuition. Recognizing that most massage therapy students have family and work commitments in addition to school, we offer flexible scheduling of class and clinic times. Since our program emphasizes hands-on training, our graduates are fully prepared to begin practicing as professional massage therapists immediately upon their graduation and licensure.
Business Website Address
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Business Contact Email
Business Address
117 Brooks St
Wake Forest NC 27587