Onyx Systems – Kwesiwa Quaison-Sackey

Onyx Systems – Kwesiwa Quaison-Sackey
Short Business Description
For a few years now, Kwesiwa Quaison-Sackey has been on a quest to create a community of inclusiveness where social introverts can work and play harmoniously with extroverts. Kwesiwa believes she could affect that change as an Entrepreneur.
In 1996 she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations and Psychology before she settled down to raise three young men. Fast forward to 23 years later as a single mother, she is changing careers by returning to one of her first loves. “Information Technology” . She enjoys sharing in her abilities and at times competes with one of her children who has a strong affinity and is also trained as a Systems Administrator.
Our Company; Onyx Systems is able to help maintain and upgrade your infrasture. We troubleshoot “Blue Screen of Death” (BSOD), network issues, manage your data as your business grows, and harden by patching vulnerabilities to prevent thieves from getting to your data. With a keen sense and appreciation for customer care, our team approaches our clients/ customers with the courtesy we are accustomed and expect as consumers ourselves.
Business Phone Number
Business Contact Email
Business Address
Raleigh, North Carolina